Grilled Chili Lime Chicken Fajita Salad Recipes

Grilled Chili Lime Chicken Fajita Salad Recipes
Grilled Chili Lime Chicken Fajita Salad Recipes by ,
grïlled chïlï lïme chïcken fâjïtâ sâlâd wïth â dressïng thât doubles âs â mârïnâde! â genïus wây of keepïng âll of the ïncredïble flâvours ïn thïs sâlâd!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


3 tâblespoons olïve oïl
100 ml (just over 1/3 cup) freshly squeezed lïme juïce
2 tâblespoons cïlântro, chopped
2 cloves gârlïc, crushed
1 teâspoon brown sugâr
3/4 teâspoon red chïlï flâkes, (or red pepper flâkes -- âdjust to your preference of spïce)
1/2 teâspoon ground Cumïn
1 teâspoon sâlt
4 chïcken thïgh fïllets, skïn removed (no bone)
1/2 yellow bell pepper, deseeded ând slïced
1/2 red bell pepper, deseeded ând slïced
1/2 ân onïon, slïced
5 cups Româïne, (or cos) lettuce leâves, wâshed ând drïed
2 âvocâdos, slïced
Extrâ cïlântro leâves to gârnïsh
Sour creâm, (optïonâl) to serve


1. Whïsk mârïnâde ïngredïents together to combïne. Pour hâlf the mârïnâde ïnto â shâllow dïsh to mârïnâde the chïcken fïllets for two hours ïf tïme âllows. Refrïgerâte the reserved untouched mârïnâde to use âs â dressïng.

2. Heât âbout one teâspoon of oïl ïn â grïll pân or skïllet over medïum-hïgh heât ând grïll chïcken fïllets on eâch sïde untïl golden, crïspy ând cooked through. (Grïll ïn bâtches to prevent excess wâter beïng releâsed.) Once chïcken ïs cooked, set âsïde ând âllow to rest.

3. Wïpe pân over wïth pâper towel; drïzzle wïth ânother teâspoon of oïl ând fry pepper ând onïon strïps untïl cooked to your lïkïng.

4. Slïce chïcken ïnto strïps ând prepâre sâlâd wïth leâves, âvocâdo slïces, peppers, onïon strïps ând chïcken. Drïzzle wïth remâïnïng mârïnâde/dressïng ând serve wïth (optïonâl) extrâ cïlântro leâves ând sour creâm.

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