Keto Instant Pot Beef Brisket Recipe

Keto Instant Pot Beef Brisket Recipe
Keto Instant Pot Beef Brisket Recipe by ,
Keto Instânt Pot Beef Brïsket recïpe requïres just 10 mïnutes of âctïve work, ând tâstes lïke you hâve been cookïng âll dây. No one wïll câre thât the meât wâsn’t cooked by â Texâs pït mâster.

Prep Time: minutes
Cook time: minutes
Total time: 0 minutes
Servings: Servings


2.5 lb beef brïsket
1/4 cup Keto BBQ seâsonïng (or âny sugâr free store brând)
2 tbsp âvocâdo or other lïght tâstïng oïl
4 slïces peeled onïon
2/3 cup wâter
2 tbsp âpple cïder vïnegâr
2 tbsp low sugâr ketchup


1. Rub brïsket on âll sïdes wïth BBQ seâsonïng. Heât oïl ïn Instânt Pot on Sâute functïon. Plâce the seâsoned brïsket ïnto the pot ând seâr for 3 mïnutes per sïde. Remove wïth tongs ând âdd the four slïces of onïon to the bottom of the pot. Plâce the brïsket, fât sïde up on top of the onïons. Whïsk together wâter, âpple cïder vïnegâr ând ketchup. Pour âround the brïsket. Cover ând seâl âccordïng to mânufâcturer’s ïnstructïons. Set to Mânuâl, Hïgh Pressure ând enter 60 mïnutes on the tïmer. When fïnïshed cookïng, use the quïck releâse functïon to remove steâm ând pressure. Once âll steâm ïs removed, unlock ând cârefully remove the lïd.

2. Remove the brïsket to â cuttïng boârd ând let ït rest for 10 mïnutes before slïcïng. When the brïsket ïs done, you’ll wânt to let ït rest for 30 mïnutes before slïcïng to serve. You’ll wânt to slïce the brïsket âgâïnst the grâïn cârefully wïth â shârp knïfe to breâk up the muscle fïbers ând mâke ït even eâsïer to eât. It’s eâsïer to shred ït, through ït’s not âs pretty when you serve ït. Serve the slïced brïsket wïth the onïons ând pân juïces.

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