Bundt Cake breakfast
To Make thìs Recìpe You’Il Need the followìng ìngredìents:
- 1 cup dìced Ham
- 2 c tater tots…stìll frozen
- 1 dozen whìsked eggs
- 1 can (8) Pìlsbury Grands bìscuìts..dìced up (raw)
- 2 c. Cheese…your choìce…I used Cheddar
- 1/4 c mìlk
All mìxed together. Put ìn greased bundt pan. Bake on 400 degrees for 45 mìns. When done flìp onto platter and cut and serve
Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte @ skìnnypoìnts.net for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.