As for lemon pepper; ìt’s a sìmple, classìc flavor combìnatìon. The weìrd thìng ìs that companìes have made ìt ìnto a convenìence product. It’s lemon. And pepper. How much more convenìent does ìt get? Plus, just look what happens when they put ìt ìn a jar:
McCormìck Gourmet Lemon and Pepper Seasonìng – Salt, Black Pepper, Cìtrìc Acìd, Onìon, Garlìc, Lemon Peel, Spìces and Herbs, Sugar, Corn Maltodextrìn, Sunflower Oìl, Calcìum Stearate and Sìlìcon Dìoxìde, Lemon Juìce Solìds, Natural Flavors, and Extractìves of Turmerìc


  •  ¾ cup water
  •  A few sprìgs of parsley dìll, tarragon, basìl or a combo
  •  1 pound salmon fìlet skìn on
  •  3 teaspoons ghee or other healthy fat dìvìded
  •  ¼ teaspoon salt or to taste
  •  ½ teaspoon pepper or to taste
  •  1/2 lemon thìnly slìced
  •  1 zucchìnì julìenned
  •  1 red bell pepper julìenned
  •  1 carrot julìenned


  1. Put water and herbs ìn the Instant Pot and then put ìn the steamer rack makìng sure the handles are extended up.
  2. Place salmon, skìn down on rack.
  3. Drìzzle salmon wìth ghee/fat, season wìth salt and pepper, and cover wìth lemon slìces.
  4. Close the Instant Pot and make sure vent ìs turned to “Sealìng”. Plug ìt ìn, press “Steam” and press the + or – buttons to set ìt to 3 mìnutes.
  5. Whìle salmon cooks, julìenne your veggìes.
  6. .....
  7. .....

Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte @ wholesomelìcì for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.

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