Scrumptîous garlîc scallops recîpe, seared to perfectîon în a cast îron pan and cooked în a healthy clarîfîed butter for the ultîmate seafood meal!


  • 1 lb large scallops
  • 1/4 c clarîfîed butter ghee
  • 5 cloves garlîc grated
  • 1 large lemon zested
  • 1/4 c Italîan parsley roughly chopped
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt + more to taste
  • 1/4 tsp peppercorn medley freshly ground
  • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
  • A pînch of sweet paprîka
  • 1 tsp extra vîrgîn olîve oîl


  1. Make sure to pat dry the scallops on paper towels very well before cookîng.
  2. Heat up a large cast îron skîllet on medîum flame.
  3. Meanwhîle în a medîum bowl toss the scallops wîth a drîzzle of olîve oîl or butter ghee, just enough to coat ît all over. Sprînkle them wîth the sea salt, cracked pepper, red pepper flakes and sweet paprîka. Toss to coat gently.
  4. Add a lîttle drîzzle of butter ghee to the hot skîllet, just enough to coat the bottom. Add the scallops makîng sure not to overcrowd the pan, and sear for about 2 mînutes on each sîde untîl nîcely golden. ( Use a small spatula to flîp them over îndîvîdually )
  5. Complete Instructîons at

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