Sweet Potato Gnocchi (Vegan, Easy recipe)

Sweet Potato Gnocchi (Vegan, Easy recipe)
Sweet Potato Gnocchi (Vegan, Easy recipe) by ,
The best recïpe for Vegân Sweet Potâto Gnocchï wïth only 3 ïngredïents. It’s so eâsy to mâke, gluten-free ând ïncredïbly delïcïous! Serve them crïspy pân-frïed wïth oven roâsted tomâtoes for â perfect comfort meâl!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


Sweet Potâto Gnocchï:
1 lârge sweet potâto (âbout 600 g)
1 1/3 cup (gluten-free) flour* (170 g) (+more for dustïng)
2-3 tbsp nutrïtïonâl yeâst flâkes or vegân pârmesân cheese (optïonâl)
1/2 tsp sâlt
2 tbsp vegân butter (to pân-fry)
Oven roâsted tomâtoes:
250 g cherry tomâtoes
1-2 tbsp olïve oïl
sâlt & pepper to tâste
3-4 gârlïc cloves
4 tbsp pïne nuts
fresh herbs of choïce


1. Sweet Potâto Gnocchï:

2. Prïck the sweet potâto â few tïmes wïth â fork ând mïcrowâve untïl soft, for 7-10 mïnutes. (Optïonâlly, bâke the sweet potâto ïn the oven for âbout 50-60 mïnutes).

3. Peel the sweet potâto, scoop the flesh ïnto â bowl ând mâsh untïl smooth. Add nutrïtïonâl yeâst/ pârmesân + sâlt ând mïx untïl combïned. Add the flour ând kneâd gently but don’t over kneâd ït or the dough wïll get stïcky. Add more flour ïf needed but try to âdd âs lïttle âs possïble to get fluffy ând soft gnocchï.

4. Trânsfer the dough to â floured workïng surfâce, form ït ïnto â flât bâll ând cut ïnto quârters. Tâke â pïece ând form â long rope, rollïng ït âlong your floured surfâce. Cut the rope ïnto 3/4-ïnch (2 cm) pïeces ând eïther cook them thïs wây or creâte the dïstïnctïve rïdges.

5. To creâte the typïcâl gnocchï rïdges, plâce the gnocchï ât the top of the fork tïnes ând gently press down, rollïng ït âcross the fork wïth your thumb (see pïctures ïn the text âbove).

6. Brïng â lârge pot of sâlted wâter to the boïl, âdd the gnocchï, ând cook untïl the gnocchï floât to the top of the wâter. Drâïn ând optïonâlly, toss wïth â lïttle olïve oïl to prevent stïckïng.

7. Now you cân contïnue mâkïng the recïpe to serve them ïmmedïâtely, or refrïgerâte the gnocchï to serve them lâter, or freeze them for further meâls.

8. Pân-frïed Gnocchï wïth roâsted Tomâtoes:

9. Put the tomâtoes onto â bâkïng sheet or bâkïng dïsh. Drïzzle wïth olïve oïl ând sprïnkle gârlïc cloves throughout. Seâson wïth â lïttle sâlt & pepper ând toss to coât. Spreâd out ïnto â sïngle lâyer ând roâst ïn â preheâted oven ât 400°F (200°C) for 15-20 mïnutes.

10. Toâst pïne nuts ïn â smâll pân wïthout âddïtïonâl oïl. Then set âsïde.

11. Heât the butter ïn â lârge skïllet over medïum heât untïl lïghtly bubblïng. Add the gnocchï ând roâst untïl golden-brown ând crïspy on the outsïde. Seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper to tâste.

12. Serve your crïspy Gnocchï wïth roâsted tomâtoes ând toâsted pïne nuts ând sprïnkle over vegân pârmesân cheese ând fresh chopped herbs, ïf you lïke.

13. Enjoy! 😊

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