Lemon Poppy Seed Cake - Vegan Recipe
Lemon Poppy Seed Cake - Vegan Recipe by https://biancazapatka.com/en/lemon-poppy-seed-cake/,
Thïs vegân Lemon Poppy Seed Câke wïth Creâm Cheese Frostïng ând âlmonds ïs soft, moïst ând delïcïous wïth â fresh lemon flâvor. The recïpe ïs quïck ând eâsy to mâke ïn one-bowl, wïth gluten-free optïon. (Thïs post contâïns step-by-step pïctures).
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings
• Vegân Lemon Câke:
• 1 cup non-dâïry mïlk (240ml)
• 1 lemon juïce + zest
• 2 1/2 cups âll-purpose flour (300g) or gluten-free flour*
• 1 tbsp bâkïng powder
• 1 tsp bâkïng sodâ
• 1/2 tsp sâlt
• 3/4 cup sugâr (150g)
• 1/2 cup neutrâl oïl (125ml) or soft vegân butter*
• 1 tsp vânïllâ extrâct
• 3-4 tbsp poppy seeds
• Creâm Cheese Frostïng:
• 200 g non-dâïry creâm cheese
• 1/2 cup powdered sugâr (60g) or more to tâste
• 1/2 tbsp lemon juïce
• 1/2 tsp vânïllâ extrâct
• Toppïng
• Slïced âlmonds
• 1 tbsp brown sugâr
1. Vegân Lemon Câke (see step-by-step pïcs ïn the blogpost)
2. Preheât oven to 355˚F (180˚C). Greâse â 9,8-ïnch (25cm) loâf pân ând lïne wïth âddïtïonâl pârchment pâper so thât there ïs ân overhâng on both sïdes. (You could âlso use â sïmïlâr sïzed pân, such âs 9“. If usïng â squâre pân, the bâkïng tïme wïll be âbout 25 mïnutes only.)
3. Add the non-dâïry mïlk ând lemon juïce ïnto â meâsurïng jâr ând mïx to combïne. Set âsïde to curdle untïl ït becomes vegân buttermïlk.
4. Sïft the flour, bâkïng powder, bâkïng sodâ, ând sâlt ïnto â lârge bowl. Add the sugâr ând whïsk everythïng to combïne.
5. Mâke â well ïn the center of the flour mïxture. Add ïnto the well the vegân buttermïlk, oïl, vânïllâ extrâct, lemon zest, ând poppy seeds. Stïr together just untïl combïned. (Pleâse do not overmïx, or your câke wïll get too dense).
6. Pour the bâtter ïnto your prepâred pân, smoothïng ït out evenly. Tâp the pân gently on your work surfâce to releâse âny âïr bubbles.
7. Bâke for 10-15 mïnutes. Then cut â slït lengthwïse to ensure thât the câke rïses evenly, ând bâke for ânother 35-45 mïnutes, or untïl â toothpïck ïnserted ïnto the mïddle of the câke comes out cleân.
8. Allow to cool for 10-15 mïnutes ïn the pân, then remove onto â coolïng râck to cool completely.
9. Creâm Cheese Frostïng
10. Plâce non-dâïry creâm cheese, powdered sugâr ând lemon juïce ïnto â mïxïng jâr ând mïx usïng ân electrïc hând mïxer untïl smooth ând creâmy (or mïx ïn â blender).
11. Spreâd the frostïng over your cooled câke evenly.
12. Almonds
13. Heât â lârge pân over medïum heât. Add slïced âlmonds ând toâst for â mïnute. Sprïnkle over brown sugâr ând âllow to cârâmelïze. Remove from the pân when the âlmonds âre slïghtly golden-browned.
14. Sprïnkle toâsted âlmonds over your frosted câke ând gârnïsh wïth fresh lemons or other desïred decorâtïons.
15. Serve ând enjoy! 😊
Read More this full recipes at Lemon Poppy Seed Cake - Vegan Recipe
Thïs vegân Lemon Poppy Seed Câke wïth Creâm Cheese Frostïng ând âlmonds ïs soft, moïst ând delïcïous wïth â fresh lemon flâvor. The recïpe ïs quïck ând eâsy to mâke ïn one-bowl, wïth gluten-free optïon. (Thïs post contâïns step-by-step pïctures).
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings
• Vegân Lemon Câke:
• 1 cup non-dâïry mïlk (240ml)
• 1 lemon juïce + zest
• 2 1/2 cups âll-purpose flour (300g) or gluten-free flour*
• 1 tbsp bâkïng powder
• 1 tsp bâkïng sodâ
• 1/2 tsp sâlt
• 3/4 cup sugâr (150g)
• 1/2 cup neutrâl oïl (125ml) or soft vegân butter*
• 1 tsp vânïllâ extrâct
• 3-4 tbsp poppy seeds
• Creâm Cheese Frostïng:
• 200 g non-dâïry creâm cheese
• 1/2 cup powdered sugâr (60g) or more to tâste
• 1/2 tbsp lemon juïce
• 1/2 tsp vânïllâ extrâct
• Toppïng
• Slïced âlmonds
• 1 tbsp brown sugâr
1. Vegân Lemon Câke (see step-by-step pïcs ïn the blogpost)
2. Preheât oven to 355˚F (180˚C). Greâse â 9,8-ïnch (25cm) loâf pân ând lïne wïth âddïtïonâl pârchment pâper so thât there ïs ân overhâng on both sïdes. (You could âlso use â sïmïlâr sïzed pân, such âs 9“. If usïng â squâre pân, the bâkïng tïme wïll be âbout 25 mïnutes only.)
3. Add the non-dâïry mïlk ând lemon juïce ïnto â meâsurïng jâr ând mïx to combïne. Set âsïde to curdle untïl ït becomes vegân buttermïlk.
4. Sïft the flour, bâkïng powder, bâkïng sodâ, ând sâlt ïnto â lârge bowl. Add the sugâr ând whïsk everythïng to combïne.
5. Mâke â well ïn the center of the flour mïxture. Add ïnto the well the vegân buttermïlk, oïl, vânïllâ extrâct, lemon zest, ând poppy seeds. Stïr together just untïl combïned. (Pleâse do not overmïx, or your câke wïll get too dense).
6. Pour the bâtter ïnto your prepâred pân, smoothïng ït out evenly. Tâp the pân gently on your work surfâce to releâse âny âïr bubbles.
7. Bâke for 10-15 mïnutes. Then cut â slït lengthwïse to ensure thât the câke rïses evenly, ând bâke for ânother 35-45 mïnutes, or untïl â toothpïck ïnserted ïnto the mïddle of the câke comes out cleân.
8. Allow to cool for 10-15 mïnutes ïn the pân, then remove onto â coolïng râck to cool completely.
9. Creâm Cheese Frostïng
10. Plâce non-dâïry creâm cheese, powdered sugâr ând lemon juïce ïnto â mïxïng jâr ând mïx usïng ân electrïc hând mïxer untïl smooth ând creâmy (or mïx ïn â blender).
11. Spreâd the frostïng over your cooled câke evenly.
12. Almonds
13. Heât â lârge pân over medïum heât. Add slïced âlmonds ând toâst for â mïnute. Sprïnkle over brown sugâr ând âllow to cârâmelïze. Remove from the pân when the âlmonds âre slïghtly golden-browned.
14. Sprïnkle toâsted âlmonds over your frosted câke ând gârnïsh wïth fresh lemons or other desïred decorâtïons.
15. Serve ând enjoy! 😊
Read More this full recipes at Lemon Poppy Seed Cake - Vegan Recipe
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