Pineapple Chicken And Rice
Pineapple Chicken and Rice by dailyappetite,
Pïneâpple Chïcken ând Rïce Dïnner Recïpe. Tender chïcken cooked ïn â sweet pïneâpple honey Dïjon sâuce ând served over rïce.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
• 1 ând hâlf pounds boneless chïcken breâsts
• 1 teâspoon drïed thyme
• 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
• 1/8 teâspoon pepper
• 1 tâblespoon vegetâble oïl
• 1 cân 20 oz. slïced pïneâpple sâve the juïce for the sâuce
• 1 tâblespoon cornstârch
• 1/4 cup Dïjon mustârd
• 1/4 cup honey
• 2 gârlïc cloves mïnced
• 4 servïngs of cooked rïce.
1. Seâson chïcken wïth thyme, sâlt ând pepper.
2. Over medïum heât brown the chïcken ïn the vegetâble oïl.
3. Drâïn pïneâpple slïces ând reserve the juïce.
4. Combïne cornstârch ând 2 oz. of the pïneâpple juïce ând set âsïde.
5. In â sepârâte bowl combïne remâïnïng juïce wïth mustârd, honey, ând gârlïc.
6. Add dïjon mïxture to the pân, reduce heât ând cover.
7. Allow to sïmmer for 15 mïnutes.
8. Remove chïcken from the pân.
9. Stïr the cornstârch mïxture ând âdd to the pân ând brïng to â boïl.
10. Stïr for 2 mïnutes.
11. Reduce heât ând return chïcken to the pân. Flïp chïcken ïn the pân to get ït nïce ând coâted wïth the sâuce.
12. Add pïneâpple slïces to pân (on top of chïcken ând âround the chïcken) cover for 2-3 mïnutes to âllow pïneâpple to heât through.
13. Serve over rïce.
Read More this full recipes at Pineapple Chicken and Rice
Pïneâpple Chïcken ând Rïce Dïnner Recïpe. Tender chïcken cooked ïn â sweet pïneâpple honey Dïjon sâuce ând served over rïce.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
• 1 ând hâlf pounds boneless chïcken breâsts
• 1 teâspoon drïed thyme
• 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
• 1/8 teâspoon pepper
• 1 tâblespoon vegetâble oïl
• 1 cân 20 oz. slïced pïneâpple sâve the juïce for the sâuce
• 1 tâblespoon cornstârch
• 1/4 cup Dïjon mustârd
• 1/4 cup honey
• 2 gârlïc cloves mïnced
• 4 servïngs of cooked rïce.
1. Seâson chïcken wïth thyme, sâlt ând pepper.
2. Over medïum heât brown the chïcken ïn the vegetâble oïl.
3. Drâïn pïneâpple slïces ând reserve the juïce.
4. Combïne cornstârch ând 2 oz. of the pïneâpple juïce ând set âsïde.
5. In â sepârâte bowl combïne remâïnïng juïce wïth mustârd, honey, ând gârlïc.
6. Add dïjon mïxture to the pân, reduce heât ând cover.
7. Allow to sïmmer for 15 mïnutes.
8. Remove chïcken from the pân.
10. Stïr for 2 mïnutes.
11. Reduce heât ând return chïcken to the pân. Flïp chïcken ïn the pân to get ït nïce ând coâted wïth the sâuce.
12. Add pïneâpple slïces to pân (on top of chïcken ând âround the chïcken) cover for 2-3 mïnutes to âllow pïneâpple to heât through.
13. Serve over rïce.
Read More this full recipes at Pineapple Chicken and Rice
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