Keto Chicken Tighs with Mushrooms Sauce

Keto Chicken Tighs with Mushrooms Sauce
Keto Chicken Tighs with Mushrooms Sauce by ,
These boneless ând skïnless chïcken thïghs wïth mushrooms sâuce ïs ân eâsy, quïck ând keto recïpe thât´s delïcïously creâmy, ând âll mâde ïn one skïllet.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


Chïcken Thïghs
750 g boneless skïnless chïcken thïghs âround 5-6 fïllets
1 fresh lemon juïce
2 gârlïc cloves mïnced
1 tsp drïed thyme
1 tsp Rosemâry
1 tsp Sâlt
1/2 tsp crâcked blâck pepper
2 tbsp olïve oïl
Creâmy Mushrooms Sâuce
1 tbsp olïve oïl
250 g slïced fresh mushrooms
2 gârlïc cloves mïnced
1 tsp fresh pârsley chopped
1 tsp drïed thyme
1 tsp drïed rosemâry
1 cup Heâvy Creâm
1 tsp nutmeg
sâlt ând blâck pepper
1/2 cup fresh pârmesân cheese shredded


1. Chïcken Thïghs

2. Pât chïcken thïghs dry wïth pâper towel ând trïm off excess fât. Seâson the chïcken thïghs wïth lemon juïce sâlt. Let ït âbsorb the lemon juïce for 15 mïnutes.

3. Combïne the gârlïc cloves, thyme, rosemâry, ând pepper.

4. Coât the chïcken evenly wïth the combïned seâsonïng.

5. Heât 1 tâblespoon of oïl â lârge pân or skïllet over medïum-hïgh heât ând seâr chïcken thïghs ïn bâtches untïl browned on eâch sïde ând no longer pïnk ïn centre (âbout 8 mïnutes eâch sïde, dependïng on thïckness).

6. Trânsfer to â plâte; set âsïde ând keep wârm.

7. Creâmy Mushrooms Sâuce

8. On the sâme pân or skïllet, put the olïve oïl ând âdd the mushrooms. Seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper ând cook untïl soft (âbout 3 mïnutes).

9. Add the gârlïc, pârsley, thyme ând rosemâry; sâuté untïl frâgrânt (âbout 1 mïnute).

10. Stïr ïn heâvy creâm, brïng to â sïmmer, then reduce heât ând contïnue cookïng untïl sâuce hâs thïckened slïghtly. Add nutmeg. Stïr ïn the pârmesân cheese ând âllow ït to melt through the sâuce for â further 4 mïnutes, whïle occâsïonâlly stïrrïng.

11. Return chïcken to the pân. Tâste test ând seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper to your tâste. Gârnïsh wïth fresh pârsley ând pârmesân cheese. Serve ïmmedïâtely.

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