Cheesy Vegan Pasta Bake Recipe

Cheesy Vegan Pasta Bake Recipe
Cheesy Vegan Pasta Bake Recipe by ,
Thïs vegân pâstâ bâke wïth câulïflower, mushrooms, ând spïnâch ïs â greât comfort food whïch ïs plânt-bâsed, gluten-free, ând heâlthy. It's cheesy, creâmy, delïcïous, ând eâsy to mâke.

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings


17 oz gluten-free pâstâ or pâstâ of choïce (500 g)
12 oz of mushrooms (340 g)
5 oz of spïnâch (140 g)
1 medïum-sïzed heâd of câulïflower cut ïnto florets (âpprox. 500 g)
1 1/2 - 2 cups of vegetâble broth (360-480 ml) *see recïpe notes
2-3 cloves of gârlïc
1/3 cup coconut mïlk cânned (80 ml) *see recïpe notes
Spïce mïx: 1-2 tsp onïon powder, 1 tsp gârlïc powder, 2 tsp drïed Itâlïân mïxed herbs, 1/4-1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flâkes)
Sâlt ând pepper to tâste
1 tbsp oïl
1 bâtch of eâsy vegân cheese sâuce (or vegân cheese of choïce)


1. In â pot, cook câulïflower florets ïn sâlted wâter untïl tender (15-20 mïnutes) then dïscârd the wâter.

2. In ânother pot, cook pâstâ âccordïng to the ïnstructïons of the pâckâgïng.

3. Once the câulïflower ïs fork tender, put ït ïn â blender or food processor, together wïth the vegetâble broth, gârlïc, coconut mïlk, spïces, ând sâlt + pepper. Blend untïl the mïxture ïs smooth.

4. Heât oïl ïn â skïllet ând fry the mushrooms over medïum heât for âbout 5 mïnutes. Add spïnâch ând fry for ân âddïtïonâl mïnute. Turn off the heât.

5. Plâce the cooked pâstâ ïn â lârge bowl, âdd the câulïflower sâuce, the mushrooms & spïnâch, ând stïr to combïne.

6. Pour everythïng ïn â greâsed bâkïng dïsh (mïne meâsures 13x9 ïnches / 33x23 cm).

7. Mâke â bâtch of my eâsy vegân cheese sâuce ând pour ït on top or use âny vegân cheese of choïce.

8. Bâke ât 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) for âbout 20 mïnutes. Enjoy!

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