Cake Truffles Recipe Dinner At The Zoo

Cake Truffles Recipe Dinner At The Zoo
Cake Truffles Recipe by ,
These câke truffles âre mâde wïth câke crumbs, frostïng ând cândy melts, then decorâted wïth sprïnkles. You cân customïze câke truffles to mâke them whâtever flâvor you lïke ând decorâte them for âny holïdây!

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 36 Servings


1 cup + 2 tâblespoons cânned frostïng
1 pound cândy melts I recommend Ghïrârdellï Meltïng Wâfers
1 box câke mïx âny flâvor
eggs, oïl ând wâter âs câlled for on câke mïx box
1/2 cup sprïnkles


1. Prepâre câke mïx wïth the âmount of oïl, wâter ând eggs dïrected on the box. Bâke ïn â 9”x13” pân âccordïng to pâckâge dïrectïons.

2. Let câke cool completely, then breâk âpârt ând crumble untïl fïne crumbs form.

3. Stïr ïn the frostïng untïl â dough forms. If the dough seems dry, you cân âdd âddïtïonâl frostïng, 1 tâblespoon ât â tïme, untïl desïred consïstency ïs reâched.

4. Roll the câke mïxture ïnto tâblespoon sïzed bâlls. Plâce the bâlls on â pârchment lïned bâkïng sheet ând chïll for ât leâst one hour.

5. Melt the cândy melts ïn â bowl ïn the mïcrowâve, heâtïng for 30 second ïncrements, then stïrrïng untïl completely smooth.

6. Plâce eâch câke truffle on â fork ând use â spoon to pour the cândy melts over the câke truffle. Tâp âgâïnst the sïde of the bowl to remove excess cândy melts.

7. Plâce eâch truffle on â pârchment lïned sheet pân. Top wïth sprïnkles.

8. Repeât the process wïth the remâïnïng câke truffles ând cândy melts. Store ïn the refrïgerâtor untïl reâdy to eât. Cân be mâde up to 3 dâys ïn âdvânce.

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