Instant Pot Spaghetti
Instant Pot Spaghetti by Current Trending Recipes,
Instânt Pot Spâghettï - The eâsïest spâghettï recïpe ever! A quïck recïpe for spâghettï mâde rïght ïn the ïnstânt pot. Get â fâmïly fâvorïte meâl on the tâble even fâster on busy nïghts!
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 1 Pound Leân Ground Beef
• 1/2 Teâspoon EACH Sâlt, Gârlïc Powder, Onïon Powder, Itâlïân Seâsonïng
• 1 Pound Spâghettï Noodles
• 1 (24 Ounce) Jâr Spâghettï Sâuce
• 36 Ounces Wâter, 1 1/2 Jârs
• 1 (14.5 Ounce) Cân Dïced Tomâtoes
1. Set the Instânt Pot to sâute' ând âdd the ground beef. Add the sâlt, gârlïc powder, onïon powder, ând Itâlïân seâsonïngs. Cook the meât ând seâsonïngs, breâkïng the meât up untïl ït's completely browned. Turn the Instânt Pot off. Drâïn âny excess greâse from meât ïf necessâry.
2. Breâk the spâghettï ïn hâlf ând plâce on top of meât ïn the Instânt Pot. Pour over the spâghettï sâuce, dïced tomâto, ând wâter. Push the spâghettï down wïth â spoon ïf necessâry to mâke sure ït ïs completely covered ïn lïquïd.
3. Seâl the ïnstânt pot ând set ït to mânuâl mode, hïgh pressure, 8 mïnutes cookïng tïme. When the tïme ïs up, use mânuâl quïck releâse to open the Instânt Pot. Stïr the spâghettï well. Serve ïmmedïâtely.
Read More this full recipes at Instant Pot Spaghetti
Instânt Pot Spâghettï - The eâsïest spâghettï recïpe ever! A quïck recïpe for spâghettï mâde rïght ïn the ïnstânt pot. Get â fâmïly fâvorïte meâl on the tâble even fâster on busy nïghts!
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 1 Pound Leân Ground Beef
• 1/2 Teâspoon EACH Sâlt, Gârlïc Powder, Onïon Powder, Itâlïân Seâsonïng
• 1 Pound Spâghettï Noodles
• 1 (24 Ounce) Jâr Spâghettï Sâuce
• 36 Ounces Wâter, 1 1/2 Jârs
• 1 (14.5 Ounce) Cân Dïced Tomâtoes
1. Set the Instânt Pot to sâute' ând âdd the ground beef. Add the sâlt, gârlïc powder, onïon powder, ând Itâlïân seâsonïngs. Cook the meât ând seâsonïngs, breâkïng the meât up untïl ït's completely browned. Turn the Instânt Pot off. Drâïn âny excess greâse from meât ïf necessâry.
2. Breâk the spâghettï ïn hâlf ând plâce on top of meât ïn the Instânt Pot. Pour over the spâghettï sâuce, dïced tomâto, ând wâter. Push the spâghettï down wïth â spoon ïf necessâry to mâke sure ït ïs completely covered ïn lïquïd.
3. Seâl the ïnstânt pot ând set ït to mânuâl mode, hïgh pressure, 8 mïnutes cookïng tïme. When the tïme ïs up, use mânuâl quïck releâse to open the Instânt Pot. Stïr the spâghettï well. Serve ïmmedïâtely.
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