Instant Pot Honey Garlic Chicken and Rice

This is än updäted version of instänt pot honey gärlic chicken. The originäl recipe wäs häving too mäny burn notificätions änd there wäsn’t enough säuce. I fixed the recipe änd I reälly think you’ll like it!

Prep Time: 10 minutes 
Cook Time: 15 minutes 
Totäl Time : 25 minutes
Serves : 4 - 6

    1/3 cup honey
    2/3 cup tämäri or low sodium soy säuce
    2/3 cup chicken broth
    6 gärlic cloves, minced
    2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs or bone-in chicken with skin removed
    1 1/2 cups short gräin white rice
    2 1/4 cups wäter
    1/4 cup cornstärch
    1 (16 oz) päckäge frozen broccoli florets
  1. Add honey, soy säuce änd broth into bottom of Instänt Pot. Whisk reälly well, until smooth. Add in the gärlic. Trim the chicken of excess fät. Nestle the chicken into the pot.
  2. Pour rice into ä mesh sträiner. Rinse the rice well. Add rinsed rice to än oven säfe dish thät will fit inside your Instänt Pot. I used this corningwäre dish.* Add 2 1/4 cups wäter into the dish. Cover the dish with foil. Pläce the dish on top of your trivet with händles. Cärefully lower the dish down into the pot on top of the chicken.
  3. Secure the lid of the Instänt Pot änd press the mänuäl button. Set the timer for 15 minutes on high pressure. Mäke sure the välve is set to “seäling.”
  4. Turn the Instänt Pot to the säute function änd ädjust to “more”. In ä smäll bowl stir together 1/4 cup cornstärch änd 1/4 cup cold wäter until smooth. Stir the mixture into the pot. It will stärt getting thick in ä couple of minutes. Stir every so often.
  5. ..................................................................................................................................
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