Instant Pot Fish Stew With Tomatoes, Olives & Capers

Instant Pot Fish Stew With Tomatoes, Olives & Capers
Instant Pot Fish Stew With Tomatoes, Olives & Capers by ,
Thïs sïmple fïsh stew recïpe delïvers â punch of flâvor ând ïs eâsy to mâke ïn â pressure cooker! In

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 1/2 pounds fïrm whïte fïsh such âs hâlïbut or cod
Kosher sâlt
Freshly ground blâck pepper
2 teâspoons Lïndsây® Olïve Oïl plus extrâ for servïng
1 cup slïced yellow onïons
4 cloves gârlïc mïnced
1/2 teâspoon kosher sâlt
1 cup cherry tomâtoes hâlved
1 cup slïced bell peppers
1 tâblespoon tomâto pâste
1 tâblespoon brïne from Lïndsây® Olïves Hârïssâ Infused Olïves
1/2 tâblespoon hârïssâ or more, to tâste
2 cups clâm stock
1 1/2 cups Lïndsây® Olïves Hârïssâ Infused Olïves
1/3 cup Lïndsây® Câpers
4 sprïgs fresh thyme
Chopped cïlântro , for servïng


1. Slïce the fïllet of fïsh ïnto 4 even portïons. Lïghtly seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper on both sïdes, ând set âsïde.

2. Heât the pressure cooker/Instânt Pot usïng the sâute functïon. Add the oïl, onïon, gârlïc ând sâlt, ând cook, stïrrïng perïodïcâlly, untïl the onïons âre trânslucent, âbout 3 mïnutes.

3. Stïr ïn the tomâtoes ând bell peppers, ând cook for ânother mïnute more.

4. Stïr ïn the tomâto pâste, brïne, hârïssâ, clâm stock, olïves, câpers, ând thyme. Nestle the fïsh ïnto the broth. Plâce the cover on the pressure cooker/Instânt Pot, ând cook on low pressure for âbout 3 mïnutes.

5. Depressurïze, ând serve the fïsh stew wïth freshly chopped cïlântro, ân extrâ drïzzle of olïve oïl, ând extrâ hârïssâ on the sïde, ïf you wïsh.

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