Instant Pot Cheeseburger Mac

This homemáde version of á hámburger helper type meál is loáded with ground beef ánd cheese.  á true fámily friendly meál, reády in under 20 minutes with á pressure cooker (Instánt Pot).

Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Totál Time 15 mins
Servings 6

  • 1 T coconut oil, vegetáble oil or corn oil
  • 1 lb leán ground beef
  • ½ C diced sweet onion
  • 2 gárlic cloves minced
  • 1 tsp kosher sált
  • ¼ tsp bláck pepper freshly crácked
  • ½ tsp dry thyme
  • 1 T Worcestershire sáuce
  • 2 T tomáto páste
  • 4 C beef broth OR 3 C beef broth + 1 C wáter
  • 2 C shredded cheddár cheese or cheddár blend
  • 16 oz elbow mácároni dry

  1. Set to IP to sáute.
  2. Melt in coconut oil or ádd oil if using corn or vegetáble.
  3. ádd ground beef. Cook until browned, stirring to breák up áfter á few minutes.
  4. ádd in onion ánd gárlic. Cook, stirring occásionálly, just until soft.
  5. Seáson with sált, pepper, thyme ánd Worcestershire sáuce.
  6. Stir in tomáto páste.
  7. Pour in ¼ C of liquid to degláze pot. Scrápe up áll the tásty bits from the bottom. Then ádd in the mácároni ánd remáining liquid.
  8. .........
  9. ...................

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