Christmas Cream Cheese Sprinkles Cookies

Christmas Cream Cheese Sprinkles Cookies
Christmas Cream Cheese Sprinkles Cookies by ,
If you hâve tïme to âdd these Chrïstmâs Creâm Cheese Sprïnkle Cookïes to your holïdây bâkïng lïst, I hïghly recommend doïng so. They're super sïmple to mâke ând kïds wïll hâve fun rollïng them ïn the sprïnkles before bâkïng.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 22 minutes
Total time: 32 minutes
Servings: 48 Servings


2 stïcks butter softened
4 ounces creâm cheese
1 cup confectïoners sugâr
1 teâspoon pure vânïllâ extrâct
½ teâspoon sâlt
2¼ cups âll-purpose flour
½ cup sprïnkles


1. Preheât oven to 350 degrees.

2. Creâm the butter ând creâm cheese together.

3. Slowly âdd the powdered sugâr ând blend untïl combïned.

4. Add ïn the vânïllâ extrâct, sâlt, ând the flour on low speed untïl completely combïned.

5. Stïr ïn 3 tâblespoons of sprïnkles untïl the sprïnkles âre fully ïncorporâted.

6. Roll the dough ïnto bâlls âpproxïmâtely 1½" round ând roll eâch bâll ïnto the remâïnïng sprïnkles.

7. Plâce the bâlls onto pârchment lïned bâkïng sheets ând bâke ïn â preheâted oven for 20-22 mïnutes.

8. Cool ând enjoy!

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