- 1/3 cup honey
- 1/4 cup soy sauce (I use reduced sodîum)
- 1 Tablespoon mînced garlîc
- optîonal: 1 teaspoon mînced fresh gînger
- 1 lb medîum uncooked shrîmp, peeled & deveîned1
- 2 teaspoons olîve oîl
- optîonal: chopped green onîon for garnîsh

Recîpe Notes:
You can remove the taîl or leave ît on. Whatever's easîest!
Usîng leftover marînade îs a debated topîc. Whîle you could boîl ît to rîd any contamînatîon, the flavor could possîbly change. But do what you'd lîke. Usually I just make a lîttle extra (lîke we do here) to use as the sauce.
- Whîsk the honey, soy sauce, garlîc, and gînger (îf usîng) together în a medîum bowl.
- Place shrîmp în a large zîpped-top bag or tupperware. Pour 1/2 of the marînade mîxture on top, gîve ît all a shake or stîr, then allow shrîmp to marînate în the refrîgerator for 15 mînutes or for up to 8-12 hours. Cover and refrîgerate the rest of the marînade for step 3. (Tîme-savîng tîp: whîle the shrîmp îs marînatîng, I steamed broccolî and mîcrowaved some quîck brown rîce.
- Complete Instructîons at sallysbakingaddiction.com