Flourless Chocolate Cake Paleo Recipe

Flourless Chocolate Cake Paleo Recipe
Flourless Chocolate Cake Paleo Recipe by ,
Flourless chocolâte câke recïpe. Pâleo ând dâïry free fudgey chocolâte câke wïth â thïck lâyer of chocolâte frostïng. Thïs eâsy chocolâte câke wïll wïn heârts over ând mâke you go bâck for seconds.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


1 cup chocolâte chïps
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup coconut sugâr
3 lârge eggs
1/2 cup cocoâ powder
1 tâblespoon vânïllâ extrâct
1/2 teâspoon seâ sâlt
1 cup chocolâte chïps
1/2 cup full fât cânned coconut mïlk
to tâste mâple syrup optïonâl- ïf the frostïng ïs too bïtter for your tâste


1. Preheât oven to 375F. Lïne the bottom of ân 8" sprïng form câke pân wïth pârchment pâper.

2. In â sâucepân, melt butter (or coconut oïl) over medïum heât then âdd chocolâte chïps, remove from heât, ând stïr untïl completely smooth.

3. Add rest of ïngredïents for câke ând whïsk untïl smooth.

4. Pour bâtter ïnto the câke pân ând bâke on 375F for 30 mïnutes, then cool.

5. For the frostïng, heât coconut mïlk over medïum heât. Once sïmmerïng, remove from heât, âdd chocolâte chïps, ând stïr untïl melted ând combïned. Whïsk untïl completely smooth, then pour over the câke ând chïll untïl ït reâches desïred consïstency (âbout 1-2 hours ïn the freezer).

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