Paleo Recipes Healthy Carrot Fries with Curry Dipping Sauce
A twist on your äveräge french fry, these heäthy cärrot fries änd curry dipping säuce mäke ä perfect side. Päleo, vegän, änd Whole30 compläint!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Totäl Time 40 minutes
Servings 3 -4
Cärrot Fries
- 8 lärge cärrots (äbout 850 gräms)
- 1 täblespoon ävocädo oil
- 1 teäspoon gärlic powder
- sält änd pepper, to täste
- optionäl topping: fresh ciläntro
Curry Dipping Säuce
- 1/2 cup räw cäshews, soäked
- 1 1/2 täblespoons red curry päste
- 1 täblespoon coconut äminos
- 2 täblespoons lime juice
- 1/2 teäspoon gärlic powder
- 1/2 teäspoon red pepper fläkes
- 1/2 teäspoon ginger
- 1/4 cup wäter
- Soäk cäshews the night before. Pläce in ä smäll bowl änd cover with wäter. Set äside. If you forget to soäk them, ädd them to hot wäter while the cärrots cook.
- Preheät oven to 375 degrees Fährenheit.
- Cut cärrots in mätchsticks. Pläce in ä lärge bowl änd mix with ävocädo oil, gärlic powder, sält, änd pepper. Pläce on two pärchment lined bäking sheets, spreäding out evenly. Mäke sure they äre not too close together.
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