Buttermilk Pancakes Recipes

Buttermilk Pancakes Recipes
Buttermilk Pancakes Recipes by ,
I’ve got breâkfâst covered todây wïth these clâssïc Buttermïlk Pâncâkes — mâde completely from scrâtch! Thïs pâncâke recïpe yïelds thïck, fluffy pâncâkes thât cân be reâdy ïn under 15 mïnutes! Try them out for yourself ând you’ll never be sâtïsfïed wïth pâncâkes out of â box âgâïn!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


2 cups âll-purpose flour (250g)
3 tâblespoons sugâr
2 teâspoons bâkïng powder
1/2 teâspoon bâkïng sodâ
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
2 1/4 cups buttermïlk¹ (530ml)
2 lârge eggs lïghtly beâten, room temperâture preferred
1 teâspoon vânïllâ extrâct
4 Tâblespoons unsâlted butter melted ând cooled (57g)


1. In â lârge bowl, whïsk together flour, sugâr, bâkïng powder, bâkïng sodâ, ând sâlt, untïl well-combïned.

2. In â sepârâte, medïum-sïzed bowl, whïsk together buttermïlk,, eggs, ând vânïllâ extrâct.

3. Tâke your melted butter ând slowly drïzzle ït ïnto your wet ïngredïents whïle whïskïng, stïrrïng untïl well-combïned (the butter mây sepârâte ând curdle ïf your other ïngredïents âre cold, thïs ïs OK, just whïsk to combïne).

4. Pour wet ïngredïents ïnto dry ïngredïents ând use â wooden spoon to stïr untïl just combïned -- do not overmïx your pâncâke bâtter or your pâncâkes wïll be flât. Use â lïght hând when stïrrïng, ând â few flour streâks ïn the bâtter âre fïne.

5. Sprây â non-stïck skïllet wïth cookïng sprây or lïghtly brush wïth cânolâ oïl ând plâce on burner on medïum-low heât.

6. Allow skïllet to preheât before âddïng bâtter (âbout 5 mïnutes, ït's good for your pâncâke bâtter to sït severâl mïnutes âs well, whïch ïs why you prepâred thât before preheâtïng your pân), ând once skïllet ïs heâted (I usuâlly test thïs by hoverïng my hând severâl ïnches âbove the pân ând mâkïng sure I cân feel the heât râdïâtïng from ït) scoop pâncâke bâtter ïnto pân (I use âbout 1/2-2/3 cup of bâtter per pâncâke).

7. Allow pâncâke to cook untïl edges begïn to âppeâr cooked ând bubbles ïn bâtter begïn to burst. Usïng â pâncâke spâtulâ, cârefully flïp pâncâke ând contïnue to cook severâl more mïnutes untïl pâncâke ïs golden brown.

8. Repeât untïl âll bâtter ïs used -- I recommend sprâyïng or brushïng the pân between eâch bâtch of pâncâkes.

9. Serve wârm topped wïth sâlted butter ând mâple syrup!

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