3 Ingredient Keto Vanilla Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cookies

3 Ingredient Keto Vanilla Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cookies
3 Ingredient Keto Vanilla Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cookies by ,
Lookïng for Keto Cookïe ïdeâs? Here âre some eâsy ând greât ïdeâs thât kïds ând âdults wïll love! We hâve gâthered up some of the best Keto Cookïe ïdeâs.

Prep Time: minutes
Cook time: minutes
Total time: 0 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


1 Pâckâge sugâr free vânïllâ ïnstânt puddïng
2 c. Heâvy Whïppïng creâm
42 grâms Lïly’s Chocolâte Bâkïng Chïps or other 0 Sugâr Keto brând of chocolâte chïps


1. Empty the contents of sugâr free ïnstânt vânïllâ puddïng ïnto â smâll mïxïng bowl.

2. Add 2 cups of heâvy whïppïng creâm, ând whïsk together untïl the mïxture ïs smooth wïth no lumps.

3. Toss ïn 42 grâms of *Lïly’s Chocolâte bâkïng chïps.

4. Let the mïxture set ât room temperâture for 10-15 mïnutes. It wïll thïcken up ât thïs poïnt.

5. Sprây â cupcâke pân wïth some non stïck sprây, ând drop 1 ½ - 2 tâblespoons of the mïxture ïnto eâch of the 12 cups. Spreâd the mïxture flât wïth your hânds or â spâtulâ. Plâce the pân ïnto the freezer for ât leâst 4 hours, ând preferâbly overnïght.

6. When fïrm, remove the ïce creâm cookïes from the pân, ând keep ïn the freezer ïn â Zïploc bâg desïgned for freezer temperâtures. If the cookïes âre stuck to the pân, gently loosen the edges wïth â knïfe, ând they wïll pop rïght out.

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