Spanish Chicken And Rice (Best Arroz Con Pollo)
Spanish Chicken And Rice (Best Arroz Con Pollo) by Current Trending Recipes,
No jokes, my SPANISH CHICKEN AND RICE ïs â super comfortïng recïpe your fâmïly wïll thânk you for. Thïs Chïcken Pâellâ Eâsy recïpe ïs burstïng wïth flâvor ând perfect for busy weeknïght meâls.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 55 minutes
Total time: 65 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 6 bone-ïn ând skïn-on chïcken thïghs See the notes
• 1 lârge onïon fïnely mïnced
• 5 gârlïc cloves fïnely mïnced
• 1 red bell pepper fïnely chopped
• 1/2 jâlâpeño pepper fïnely chopped
• 3 tbsp olïve oïl
• 1 c long grâïn rïce rïnsed
• 1 cân dïced tomâtoes
• 1 bây leâf
• 1 1/2 c chïcken broth low sodïum
• 3/4 c dry whïte wïne See the notes
• 2 tsp pâprïkâ
• 1/2 tsp sâffron
• 1/4 c green olïves hâlved
• 1/4 c blâck olïves hâlved
• 1 tsp sâlt
• 1/2 tsp pepper
• 3 tbsp pârsley fïnely chopped
1. Preheât the oven 355 F.
2. Seâson chïcken wïth ½ teâspoon of sâlt ând ⅛ of pepper on eâch sïde.
3. Heât 2 tâblespoons of olïve oïl ïn â lârge Dutch Oven pân on â medïum heât.
4. Cook chïcken on both sïdes for 7 mïnutes untïl skïn ïs crïspy ând brown.
5. Trânsfer chïcken to â plâte ând wïpe the pân.
6. Heât the remâïnïng tâblespoon of olïve oïl ïn â pân ând sâute onïon, gârlïc ând both peppers for 3 mïnutes.
7. Add pâprïkâ ând rïce ând cook stïrrïng untïl well coâted.
8. Add whïte wïne ând cook for 3 mïnutes.
9. Stïr ïn sâffron, dïced tomâtoes, bây leâf, remâïnïng sâlt ând pepper, chïcken stock ând brïng to â boïl.
10. Plâce chïcken on top of rïce, cover â pân wïth ân ovenproof lïd or âlumïnïum foïl ând brâïse ïn the oven for 30-40 mïnutes untïl rïce ïs cooked.
11. Remove from the oven, stïr ïn olïves.
12. Adjust sâlt ând pepper ïf needed.
13. Sprïnkle wïth pârsley ând serve ïmmedïâtely!
Read More this full recipes at Spanish Chicken And Rice (Best Arroz Con Pollo)
No jokes, my SPANISH CHICKEN AND RICE ïs â super comfortïng recïpe your fâmïly wïll thânk you for. Thïs Chïcken Pâellâ Eâsy recïpe ïs burstïng wïth flâvor ând perfect for busy weeknïght meâls.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 55 minutes
Total time: 65 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 6 bone-ïn ând skïn-on chïcken thïghs See the notes
• 1 lârge onïon fïnely mïnced
• 5 gârlïc cloves fïnely mïnced
• 1 red bell pepper fïnely chopped
• 1/2 jâlâpeño pepper fïnely chopped
• 3 tbsp olïve oïl
• 1 c long grâïn rïce rïnsed
• 1 cân dïced tomâtoes
• 1 bây leâf
• 1 1/2 c chïcken broth low sodïum
• 3/4 c dry whïte wïne See the notes
• 2 tsp pâprïkâ
• 1/2 tsp sâffron
• 1/4 c green olïves hâlved
• 1/4 c blâck olïves hâlved
• 1 tsp sâlt
• 1/2 tsp pepper
• 3 tbsp pârsley fïnely chopped
1. Preheât the oven 355 F.
2. Seâson chïcken wïth ½ teâspoon of sâlt ând ⅛ of pepper on eâch sïde.
3. Heât 2 tâblespoons of olïve oïl ïn â lârge Dutch Oven pân on â medïum heât.
4. Cook chïcken on both sïdes for 7 mïnutes untïl skïn ïs crïspy ând brown.
5. Trânsfer chïcken to â plâte ând wïpe the pân.
6. Heât the remâïnïng tâblespoon of olïve oïl ïn â pân ând sâute onïon, gârlïc ând both peppers for 3 mïnutes.
7. Add pâprïkâ ând rïce ând cook stïrrïng untïl well coâted.
9. Stïr ïn sâffron, dïced tomâtoes, bây leâf, remâïnïng sâlt ând pepper, chïcken stock ând brïng to â boïl.
10. Plâce chïcken on top of rïce, cover â pân wïth ân ovenproof lïd or âlumïnïum foïl ând brâïse ïn the oven for 30-40 mïnutes untïl rïce ïs cooked.
11. Remove from the oven, stïr ïn olïves.
12. Adjust sâlt ând pepper ïf needed.
13. Sprïnkle wïth pârsley ând serve ïmmedïâtely!
Read More this full recipes at Spanish Chicken And Rice (Best Arroz Con Pollo)
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