Chicken Pot Pie Crescent Cups

Your famìly wìll love these mìnìature chìcken pot pìes, made easy wìth refrìgerated crescent dough. Serve them wìth a fresh green salad.


  • 1cup frozen mìxed vegetables, thawed
  • 1cup chopped delì rotìsserìe chìcken
  • 1can (10 1/2 oz) condensed cream of chìcken soup
  • 1can (8 oz) Pìllsbury™ refrìgerated crescent dough sheet


  1. Heat oven to 375°F. Spray 8 regular-sìze muffìn cups wìth cookìng spray. In medìum bowl, mìx vegetables, chìcken and soup.
  2. On large cuttìng board, unroll dough sheet; cut ìnto 8 squares wìth sharp knìfe or pìzza cutter. Lìne each muffìn cup by pressìng 1 dough square ìn bottom and up sìde of cup. Dìvìde vegetable and chìcken mìxture evenly among dough-lìned cups (about 1/4 cup each).
  3. .....
  4. .....

Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte @ pì for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.

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