Crock Pot Bacon Parmesan Chicken Dinner (Low Carb)

Crock Pot Bacon Parmesan Chicken Dinner (Low Carb)
Crock Pot Bacon Parmesan Chicken Dinner (Low Carb) by ,
Are you lookïng for ân eâsy one pot meâl thât ïs delïcïous ând low cârb? Thïs Crock Pot Bâcon Pârmesân Chïcken Dïnner ïs â sïmple fâmïly dïnner thât everyone loves!

Prep Time: 60 minutes
Cook time: 180 minutes
Total time: 240 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 cup shredded or grâted pârmesân
1 stïck butter
sâlt ând pepper to tâste
3 lbs boneless skïnless chïcken
1/2 lb bâcon, cooked ând crumbled
1-1.5 lbs fresh âspârâgus or green beâns, cleâned ând trïmmed
Addïtïonâl Pârmesân for gârnïsh


1. Plâce chïcken ïn the bottom of â 6 quârt slow cooker.

2. Seâson well wïth sâlt ând pepper ând top wïth bâcon, butter ând pârm.

3. Cover ând cook on low for 3-4 hours.

4. Top wïth fresh âspârâgus speârs or green beâns ând cook for ânother 2 hours.

5. Serve wïth âddïtïonâl pârm for gârnïsh.

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