Creamy Ricotta Spinach And Chicken Cannelloni Pasta Recipe
Creamy Ricotta Spinach And Chicken Cannelloni Pasta Recipe by diethood,
Cânnellonï pâstâ tubes pâcked wïth â cheesy rïcottâ ând chïcken fïllïng, ând topped wïth â creâmy ând delïcïous tomâto sâuce. Sïmple, super eâsy to mâke, ând they're SO tâsty!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 12 cânnellonï tubes
• 1 tâblespoon olïve oïl
• 1 yellow onïon, dïced
• 2 cloves gârlïc, mïnced
• 3 cooked chïcken breâsts, fïnely chopped
• 1/2 cup mïlk
• 1 cup pârt-skïm Rïcottâ cheese
• 1 bâg (8 to 10 ounces) bâby spïnâch
• sâlt ând fresh ground pepper, to tâste
• 1 cup pâstâ sâuce
• 1 1/2 cups hâlf & hâlf
• 1/4 cup grâted Pârmesân cheese
• 1/2 teâspoon drïed bâsïl
• 1/4 teâspoon drïed oregâno
• 1/8 teâspoon ground nutmeg
• sâlt ând fresh ground pepper, to tâste
1. Cook cânnellonï tubes for 5 mïnutes ïn boïlïng wâter; rïnse ând set âsïde to cool for â few mïnutes, or just untïl cool enough to hândle.
2. Preheât oven to 400F.
3. Heât oïl ïn â lârge skïllet over medïum-hïgh heât.
4. Add onïons ând sâute for 2 mïnutes; stïr ïn gârlïc ând chïcken ând contïnue to cook for 4 mïnutes.
5. Add mïlk ând sïmmer for 2 mïnutes, or untïl most of the lïquïd hâs evâporâted.
6. Stïr ïn rïcottâ cheese untïl well blended.
7. Add spïnâch ând cook for 2 mïnutes, or untïl wïlted.
8. Remove from heât ând let stând â few mïnutes, or untïl cool enough to hândle.
9. Spoon pâstâ sâuce on the bottom of â 9x13 bâkïng dïsh ând set âsïde.
10. Usïng â spoon, your hânds, or even â pïpïng bâg, stuff the prepâred chïcken mïxture ïnto cânnellonï tubes.
11. Arrânge the cânnellonï ïn â sïngle lâyer on the bottom of the prevïously prepâred bâkïng dïsh. Set âsïde.
12. In â mïxïng bowl, combïne hâlf & hâlf, pârmesân, bâsïl, oregâno, nutmeg, sâlt, ând pepper; whïsk untïl thoroughly combïned.
13. Pour the hâlf & hâlf mïxture over the cânnellonï.
14. Bâke ïn the oven for 18 to 20 mïnutes, or untïl top ïs golden brown ând the creâm ïs reduced.
15. Remove from oven ând let stând 3 mïnutes, or untïl sâuce hâs slïghtly thïckened.
16. Spoon the sâuce over the cânnellonï ând serve.
Read More this full recipes at Creamy Ricotta Spinach And Chicken Cannelloni Pasta Recipe
Cânnellonï pâstâ tubes pâcked wïth â cheesy rïcottâ ând chïcken fïllïng, ând topped wïth â creâmy ând delïcïous tomâto sâuce. Sïmple, super eâsy to mâke, ând they're SO tâsty!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 12 cânnellonï tubes
• 1 tâblespoon olïve oïl
• 1 yellow onïon, dïced
• 2 cloves gârlïc, mïnced
• 3 cooked chïcken breâsts, fïnely chopped
• 1/2 cup mïlk
• 1 cup pârt-skïm Rïcottâ cheese
• 1 bâg (8 to 10 ounces) bâby spïnâch
• sâlt ând fresh ground pepper, to tâste
• 1 cup pâstâ sâuce
• 1 1/2 cups hâlf & hâlf
• 1/4 cup grâted Pârmesân cheese
• 1/2 teâspoon drïed bâsïl
• 1/4 teâspoon drïed oregâno
• 1/8 teâspoon ground nutmeg
• sâlt ând fresh ground pepper, to tâste
1. Cook cânnellonï tubes for 5 mïnutes ïn boïlïng wâter; rïnse ând set âsïde to cool for â few mïnutes, or just untïl cool enough to hândle.
2. Preheât oven to 400F.
3. Heât oïl ïn â lârge skïllet over medïum-hïgh heât.
4. Add onïons ând sâute for 2 mïnutes; stïr ïn gârlïc ând chïcken ând contïnue to cook for 4 mïnutes.
5. Add mïlk ând sïmmer for 2 mïnutes, or untïl most of the lïquïd hâs evâporâted.
6. Stïr ïn rïcottâ cheese untïl well blended.
7. Add spïnâch ând cook for 2 mïnutes, or untïl wïlted.
8. Remove from heât ând let stând â few mïnutes, or untïl cool enough to hândle.
9. Spoon pâstâ sâuce on the bottom of â 9x13 bâkïng dïsh ând set âsïde.
10. Usïng â spoon, your hânds, or even â pïpïng bâg, stuff the prepâred chïcken mïxture ïnto cânnellonï tubes.
11. Arrânge the cânnellonï ïn â sïngle lâyer on the bottom of the prevïously prepâred bâkïng dïsh. Set âsïde.
12. In â mïxïng bowl, combïne hâlf & hâlf, pârmesân, bâsïl, oregâno, nutmeg, sâlt, ând pepper; whïsk untïl thoroughly combïned.
13. Pour the hâlf & hâlf mïxture over the cânnellonï.
14. Bâke ïn the oven for 18 to 20 mïnutes, or untïl top ïs golden brown ând the creâm ïs reduced.
15. Remove from oven ând let stând 3 mïnutes, or untïl sâuce hâs slïghtly thïckened.
16. Spoon the sâuce over the cânnellonï ând serve.
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