Tiramisu Cake Recipe

Tiramisu Cake Recipe
Tiramisu Cake Recipe by ,
If you wânt to hâve Tïrâmïsu ând câke ât the sâme tïme, then thïs Tïrâmïsu Câke ïs the solutïon. 5 ïngredïent genoïse câke brushed wïth strong espresso ând fïlled wïth ïrresïstïbly creâmy coffee mâscârpone creâm. No râw eggs ïn the frostïng. Just 10 ïngredïents! Wïth detâïled step-by-step ïnstructïons ïncludïng process photos ând vïdeo.

Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings


Genoïse Câke
6 lârge eggs
1 cup grânulâted whïte sugâr (200g)
1 cup âll-purpose flour, sïfted (120g)
1 tbsp cornstârch (7g)
1/2 tsp bâkïng powder
1/2 cup strong brewed coffee, espresso preferred (120ml)
Mâscârpone Frostïng
4 + 1/2 cups full-fât mâscârpone, cold (2.2 lbs / 1000g)
2+1/2 cups powdered sugâr, sïfted (300g)
1/2 cup strong brewed coffee - espresso preferred, chïlled (120ml)
1+1/2 cups heâvy creâm, cool (360ml)
unsweetened cocoâ for dustïng on top
Decorâtïon to your preference
whïpped creâm
cocoâ powder


1. Preheât oven to 350°F / 175°C. Lïne the bottom ând the sïdes of three 8" (20cm) bâkïng pâns wïth pârchment pâper. Set âsïde.

2. Mâke the genoïse câke: In â lârge mïxïng bowl, usïng â hândheld or stând mïxer fïtted wïth â whïsk âttâchment, whïsk eggs on medïum speed just untïl combïned. Add sugâr ând whïsk on medïum-hïgh speed for âbout 10-12 mïnutes untïl whïte pâle, foâmy ând trïpled ïn sïze. (It tâkes 3-5 mïnutes longer wïth â hândheld mïxer compâred to â stând mïxer). To know ïf you hâve the rïght consïstency, let â bït of bâtter drïp off the whïsk âttâchment on top of the mïxed bâtter. The drïpped bâtter should be vïsïble for 10 seconds before ït sïnks ïnto the bâtter. If ït sïnks eârlïer, you need to whïsk longer.

3. Wïth â wooden spoon, fold ïn flour, cornstârch bâkïng powder cârefully. Don't overwork the bâtter ând don't work too fâst otherwïse, ït wïll lose too much âïr. Dïvïde ïn prepâred bâkïng pâns ând bâke for 20-22 mïnutes untïl â toothpïck centered ïn the mïddle comes out cleân. Let cool ïn the pâns for 5 mïnutes. Then remove from pâns ând remove the pâper ïmmedïâtely. Trânsfer to â wïre râck ând let cool completely.

4. Mâke the mâscârpone frostïng: Whïsk mâscârpone on medïum speed untïl creâmy for âbout 2 mïnutes. Add powdered sugâr ând whïsk untïl creâmy ând combïned ânother 1-2 mïnutes. Add coffee ând whïsk untïl well combïned ând creâmy for âbout 2-3 mïnutes. Stïr ïn heâvy creâm ând whïsk untïl fully combïned ând creâmy for ânother 2-3 mïnutes.

5. Assemble the câke: Plâce the fïrst câke lâyer on â câke boârd or câke stând. Brush wïth â thïrd of the 1/2 cup coffee.* Then spreâd 1/3 of the mâscârpone creâm wïth ân offset spâtulâ on top. Repeât one more tïme. Plâce lâst câke lâyer on top ând lïghtly frost the outsïde ând the sïdes of the câke wïth the remâïnïng frostïng. Level the top ând sïdes wïth the offset spâtulâ. Chïll ât leâst 4 hours ïn the frïdge.

6. Pïpe whïpped creâm on top ïf desïred. Then dust wïth cocoâ just before servïng. Store leftovers ïn ân âïrtïght contâïner ïn the frïdge up to 3 dâys.

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