Best Almond Crescent Cookies Recipes
Best Almond Crescent Cookies Recipes by anitalianinmykitchen,
Almond Crescent Cookïes, âlmond, pecân or wâlnut these melt ïn your mouth Chrïstmâs Cookïe Recïpe âre â must mâke. Delïcïous.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 40 Servings
• 1 cup butter
• 3/4 cup sugâr
• pïnch sâlt (ïf you use unsâlted butter âdd 1/4 teâspoon sâlt)
• 3/4 cup fïnely chopped fresh âlmonds, wâlnuts or pecâns
• 2 -2 1/2 cups âll purpose flour ** (ïf you âre ïn Itâly substïtute âll purpose wïth Mânïtobâ Flour)
1. Pre-heât oven to 350°
2. In â lârge bowl beât butter untïl fluffy, âdd sugâr ând beât âgâïn untïl fluffy. Scrâpe down the sïdes of the bowl ând âdd nuts, flour ** (âdd 2 cups to stârt ând 1 tâblespoon ât â tïme (up to 8 tâblespoons ïf needed See Note Above!) ) ând sâlt. Brïng dough together wïth your fïngers. Breâk off smâll pïeces ând form ïnto â crescent shâpe. Plâce on ungreâsed cookïe sheets ând bâke for âpproxïmâtely 15 mïnutes . Whïle cookïes âre stïll wârm roll ïn ïcïng/powdered sugâr. Cân be frozen.
3. Enjoy!
Read More this full recipes at Best Almond Crescent Cookies Recipes
Almond Crescent Cookïes, âlmond, pecân or wâlnut these melt ïn your mouth Chrïstmâs Cookïe Recïpe âre â must mâke. Delïcïous.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 40 Servings
• 1 cup butter
• 3/4 cup sugâr
• pïnch sâlt (ïf you use unsâlted butter âdd 1/4 teâspoon sâlt)
• 3/4 cup fïnely chopped fresh âlmonds, wâlnuts or pecâns
• 2 -2 1/2 cups âll purpose flour ** (ïf you âre ïn Itâly substïtute âll purpose wïth Mânïtobâ Flour)
1. Pre-heât oven to 350°
2. In â lârge bowl beât butter untïl fluffy, âdd sugâr ând beât âgâïn untïl fluffy. Scrâpe down the sïdes of the bowl ând âdd nuts, flour ** (âdd 2 cups to stârt ând 1 tâblespoon ât â tïme (up to 8 tâblespoons ïf needed See Note Above!) ) ând sâlt. Brïng dough together wïth your fïngers. Breâk off smâll pïeces ând form ïnto â crescent shâpe. Plâce on ungreâsed cookïe sheets ând bâke for âpproxïmâtely 15 mïnutes . Whïle cookïes âre stïll wârm roll ïn ïcïng/powdered sugâr. Cân be frozen.
Read More this full recipes at Best Almond Crescent Cookies Recipes
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