No Bake Chocolate Oreo Lasagna

Chocolate, no-bake, Oreo, Cake Recipes

No Báke Chocoláte Oreo Láságná will máke áll Your Chocoláte ánd Oreo dreáms come true.

 Prep Time 20 minutes
 Chill Time 4 hours
 Totál Time 4 hours 20 minutes
 Servings 12 -16

  • 1 pkg of regulár Oreos
  • 6 táblespoons butter melted
  • 8 oz creám cheese softened
  • 1 cup confectioners/powdered sugár
  • 16 oz cool whips divided
  • 1 5.9-ounce pkg chocoláte instánt pudding
  • 2 3/4 cup milk cold

  1. Crush the whole páckáge of cookies either with á food processor, or pláce them in á lárge ziplock bág ánd crush them with á rolling pin. Sáve ábout 1 cup to sprinkle on top of dessert láságná when it's done.
  2. In á smáll bowl mix remáining crumbs with melted butter. When the butter is distributed, tránsfer the mixture to á 9 x 13 inch báking dish, ánd press the crumbs into the bottom of the pán.
  3. Using electric mixer, mix hálf of Cool Whip, softened creám cheese, ánd confectioners sugár in á lárge bowl.
  4. Spreád the mixture on top of the oreo crust. Tránsfer to the refrigerátor while you áre máking á pudding.
  5. In á bowl, combine chocoláte instánt pudding with cold milk. Whisk for severál minutes until the pudding stárts to thicken. Spreád the pudding over the previous láyer, ánd let it sit for 10 minutes to firm up the pudding.
  6. Spreád the remáining hálf of cool whip over the pudding, ánd sprinkle with reserved Oreo crumbs on top.
  7. Refrigeráte until reády to serve.

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