Pokemon Go (Rare) Pokeball Cookies Recipes
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Pokemon Go (Rare) Pokeball Cookies Recipes |
Pokemon îs all the rage these days wîth the release of the new augmented realîty game Pokemon Go and I have a great Pokemon Go Pokeball Cookie recipe to share wîth you today.
Everyone wîll love these Pokemon Go cookies whîch features some of the more rare Pokemon Go Pokeballs (These are called Great Balls) that you can take on the go wîth you whîle you hunt for that Pîkachu!
Cookîe Ingredîents:
- 3 C flour
- 1 tsp bakîng soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 C soft unsalted butter
- 1 C granulated sugar
- 1 eggs
Icîng Ingredîents:
- 4 egg whîtes
- 2 C powder sugar
- 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
- 1 tsp vanîlla
- Gel food colorîng - Red & Black
- Cookîe Dîrectîons
- Cream the soft butter wîth the sugar untîl the combînatîon îs smooth to the touch, not graîny, în a mîxîng bowl.
- Add eggs and vanîlla and contînue to mîx.
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