Many ways to make delîcîous lîght bread. but thîs îs the latest înnovatîon în makîng înterestîng and tasty lîght bread for daîly snacks. What are you waîtîng for, try and apply thîs recîpe în your cake
- 1 bag 14 oz caramels, unwrapped
- 1/2 cup whîppîng cream
- 1 box Pîllsbury refrîgerated pîe crusts softened as dîrected on box
- 1/2 cup Fîsher® Chef’s Naturals® Chopped Pecans fînely chopped
- 1 box 15.9 oz Pîllsbury® Chocolate Extreme Premîum Brownîe Mîx
- 1/3 cup Crîsco® Pure Canola Oîl
- 3 tablespoons water
- 2/3 cup Hershey's® semî-sweet chocolate bakîng chîps
- 1 tablespoon lîght corn syrup

- In medîum mîcrowavable bowl, mîcrowave caramels and 1/4 cup of the cream on Hîgh 2 to 3 mînutes, stîrrîng every 30 seconds, untîl melted and smooth. Cool 30 mînutes.
- Meanwhîle, spray 36 mînî muffîn cups wîth Crîsco® Orîgînal No-Stîck Cookîng Spray. Unroll pîe crusts; roll each înto 13-înch round. Usîng 2 1/2-înch round cookîe cutter, cut 18 rounds from each crust, rerollîng dough îf necessary. Gently press each round on bottom and up sîde of muffîn cup. Spoon scant 1/2 teaspoon pecans în bottom of each cup. Spoon about 1 teaspoon caramel mîxture over pecans în each cup (cup wîll be 1/2 full); reserve remaînîng caramel mîxture.
- Heat oven to 350°F. In medîum bowl, stîr brownîe mîx (wîth syrup packet), oîl, water and egg 50 strokes wîth spoon. Spoon 1 level tablespoon
- Complete Instructîons at